If you have started using Weight Watchers to help get control of your diet, then these Weight Watchers 1 Point Snacks are sure to be needed. One of the best ways to tackle a new food management system is to be prepared with good easy to use ideas that will give you the flavors and textures you love without the calories and fat. These snacks are some obvious and also some great items you might not have thought to include. Prep snacks in advance so all you have to do is grab and go throughout the week.
- All fresh fruits
- All fresh raw vegetables
- WASA Crisp & Light Crackerbread – 3 pieces
- Progresso Light Soups – 1 cup of most flavors
- Dannon Light& Fit Yogurt – 4oz most flavors
- Light Mini Babybel Cheeese – 1 wheel
- Frigo Light String Cheese – 1 stick
- Oscar Mayer Oven Roasted Turkey Breast – 5 slices
- Egg White Omelete made with veggies – 2 egg whites with choice of veggies and
- nonstick cooking spray – no oils or butters
- Grilled Shrimp – 4 shrimp grilled with seasonings of choice but no butte or oils
- Motts Fruitstations Juice Ice Bars – 1 bar frozen
- Cool Whip with fruit – 3 tablespoons whipped topping is only 1 point and fruit is free
- PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter – 2 Tablespoons powder
- Applegate Uncured Turkey Pepperoni – Approximately 16 slices
- Fat Free Flour Tortilla – 1 6” tortilla
- Puffed Rice Cereal – 1 cup
- Almonds – 1 tablespoon
- Saltine Crackers – 4 crackers
- Oreo Cookie – 1 cookie
Along with these Weight Watchers 1 point snacks, you can also create tons of fun recipes with low fat items to stay within your point range each day. This list offers you some great easy to make or ready made options you can pack for snacks and lunch throughout your day at work, school or simply at home with your family. Staying on track with your Weight Watchers diet is easy when you are prepared.